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Hi I'm Lucy,


I've been enjoying a practice of yoga for over twenty years with fifteen years of teaching experience.


To write this biography, I asked my classes how they would describe me as a teacher and the answers included kind, non judgmental, experienced, intuitive but the most common answer was, humorous. I'm not a stand-up comedian by any stretch of the imagination but laughter during class disrupts the stress response in the body, so there is science behind the smile. I think this quality also means I am light-hearted and easy going to how a practice is perceived and this will be brought into our training together.


During the last 20 years, I have also owned and consecutively run, three businesses, two of which are entirely separate to yoga and one, a yoga studio, in Eastbourne, on the south coast of England. 

The skills that are required to set up and stay committed to small business ownership have been brought onto the mat to help me be a conscious and applied teacher to the classes and students I have had the pleasure of leading for the last 15 years.


I have now accumulated over 6000 hours of teaching experience and am considered a Senior Yoga Teacher by Yoga Alliance Professionals®. 

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From the client experience to the organisational abilities required to set up weekend retreats and international yoga holidays, these are skills that have all contributed to a dedication to the profession of yoga. 

In turn, my journey on the mat has been a perfect antidote to a working schedule, helping me to find focus and a clear mind in other paths of my work.


During my yoga career, I have specialised in areas of interest and training. I have enjoyed deeper learnings of the chakra system with Anodea Judith; Intensive work with Anna Forest and I am also a qualified paddle board yoga instructor.
I now enjoy leading solstice workshops and weekly yoga nidra sessions, the later of which is covered in our program.

My multilayered career experiences bring an honest and authentic approach to our 'Business of Yoga' module, helping you realise your own confidence and potential. My dedication to teaching yoga brings our other five modules together in one 230 hr yoga teacher training course. But most of all, I bring a grounded, transparent and human approach to the course. 

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If  you like the sound of a flexible learning approach; exclusive one to one training and a lack of rigidity that maybe unavoidable in a group setting, we can have a no obligation conversation for you to decide if the course is right for you. And you can also check out out FAQ page for more info on the training. 


Training to be a yoga teacher takes commitment and time and so it's important that you feel completely happy with your decision before starting on your path. 


When you are ready, I am committed to offering you the authenticity and inspiration to be an outstanding and happy yoga teacher. Not to mention, the confidence assurance to take your first class. 


I look forward to meeting you soon. 

Lucy x

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